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What does CNAs certification mean? The difference between CNAs certification and CMA certification

Date:2022-03-23 16:21:12

There are many kinds of laboratory certification, such as CMA, CNAs, GMP, QS, etc. first of all, it depends on which kind of certification you want to pass. Generally, the laboratory has passed CMA and CNAs certification, and the purification workshop has passed GMP and QS certification. The quality inspection report of products must be stamped with CNAs and CMA chapters, which requires that many laboratories in relevant industries must pass CNAs (laboratory accreditation) and CMA (qualification accreditation). CMA metrological certification and CNAs laboratory accreditation are commonly used as certification of test reports. There are both similarities and differences between them. View >>

CNAs certified laboratory personnel require professional CNAs certified testing institutions

Date:2022-03-23 16:15:51

The requirements for applying for qualification must first be an independent legal person. An enterprise's internal quality control laboratory cannot apply for CNAs certification at all. Requirements for laboratory personnel, including professional title, number of inspectors, post qualification, etc; Requirements for experimental equipment, including instruments and equipment corresponding to test items, ownership certificate, etc; The following details. View >>

What are the CNAs national laboratory accreditation bodies? CNAs certification conditions and requirements

Date:2022-03-23 16:12:00

China National Accreditation Service for conformity assessment is CNAs, which means China National Accreditation Commission for conformity assessment. According to the requirements of CNAs, the testing / calibration laboratory applying for accreditation must meet the following conditions: View >>

How to apply for CNAs certification? What is required for CNAs certification?

Date:2022-03-23 16:10:08

Laboratory CNAs accreditation is an activity in which the management ability and technical ability of the laboratory are evaluated according to the agreed standards through CNAs, and the evaluation results are announced to the society to formally recognize its ability. Accredited laboratories demonstrate their ability to perform specific tasks. CNAs adopts the principles of voluntariness, non discrimination, expert review and national recognition. The objects of laboratory accreditation include first-party, second-party and third-party laboratories including manufacturers' laboratories, as well as laboratories that take testing and / or calibration as part of inspection. Laboratory accreditation is based on cnas-cl01:2006 accreditation criteria for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. View >>

What is the electrical performance test of IC chip? What are the inspection standards?

Date:2022-03-22 14:14:51

The electrical performance of IC electronic and electrical equipment directly affects the safe and reliable operation of the whole electrical system. In order to ensure the safety of the equipment, all electronic and electrical equipment must pass various type tests in the production and manufacturing process to ensure the safety of the electrical environment. Electrical performance test includes the test of basic parameters of conductor or insulation quality, such as conductor resistance, insulation resistance, correct value of dielectric loss angle, capacitance, etc. The higher the working voltage of the cable, the stricter the requirements for its electrical performance. View >>

What specialty does failure analysis belong to? What is the importance of scientific development?

Date:2022-03-22 14:10:34

Failure analysis is to analyze the causes of mechanical product failure and put forward countermeasures to prevent its technical and management activities. With the rapid development of science and technology, the variety and quantity of mechanical products are increasing. Although the functions of various products are very different, they all have a common attribute - having a certain specified function. For various reasons, mechanical products often lose their original functions. According to the international definition, "the phenomenon that a product loses its specified function is called failure". When and how mechanical products fail is a random event, which people can't predict at all. This paper collects and arranges some relevant materials, hoping to have great reference value to all readers. View >>

What is the general procedure for FMEA failure analysis? What are the causes of failure?

Date:2022-03-22 13:59:14

What is the general procedure for FMEA failure analysis? FMEA failure mode analysis, as a special tool for preventive measures, its key purpose is to detect and comment on the potential invalidity and adverse effects in the whole process of goods / products; Look for countermeasures that can prevent or reduce potential inefficiency, and constantly improve them. According to FMEA, we can identify and evaluate the shortcomings, methods and hazards that will exist in the design scheme or engineering project, and clarify the improvement countermeasures that can eliminate or reduce the potential invalidity, so as to prevent it in the future, minimize the cost of various shortcomings and ensure the integrity and characteristics of IC electronic components. View >>

Metal fatigue test

Date:2022-03-22 13:51:59

Metal fatigue refers to the process that materials and components gradually produce local permanent cumulative damage at one or several places under the action of cyclic stress or cyclic strain, and produce cracks or sudden complete fracture after a certain number of cycles. When the material and structure are subjected to repeated and changing loads, although the stress value does not exceed the strength limit of the material, or even lower than the elastic limit, failure may occur. This failure phenomenon of the material and structure under the repeated action of alternating load is called metal fatigue failure. Stress amplitude, average stress and number of cycles are three main factors affecting metal fatigue. View >>

Product environmental reliability test items and test execution standards

Date:2022-03-22 13:47:28

Environmental reliability test refers to the ability of products to complete specified functions under specified conditions and within specified time. In the process of design and application, the product is constantly affected by its own and external climatic environment and mechanical environment, but still needs to be able to work normally, so it needs to be verified with test equipment. For related products, environmental reliability test is very necessary. View >>

The United States and Europe have warned that fake and shoddy chips endanger national security and key systems

Date:2022-03-21 16:16:46

Chip counterfeiters are taking full advantage of the ongoing tightening in the supply of electronic products to profit from selling fake semiconductor chips to desperate buyers, which has attracted the attention of European and US governments. In a report released this month, Europol, the EU law enforcement agency, highlighted the dangers of counterfeit semiconductors to key infrastructure and people's private equipment. View >>
