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Briefly describe the application fields and characteristics of CT testing industrial CT testing service platform

Date:2022-07-27 16:53:06Views:825

The industrial CT detection system is composed of X-ray source, imaging receiver, high-precision turntable, image processing system, CT software system, etc. In recent years, industrial CT is known as the trend of measurement technology in the future with its powerful detection technology and gradually wide range of applications. CT is to isolate the detected fault of the tested body for imaging, avoiding the interference and influence of the rest. The image quality is high, and it can clearly and accurately show the internal structural relationship, material composition and defect status of the tested part. The detection effect is inferior to that of other traditional nondestructive testing methods. As a practical non-destructive testing technology, industrial CT has been widely used in aviation, petroleum, steel, machinery, automobile, mining and other fields. It can accurately detect the internal structure of the workpiece without damage.

简述CT测试应用领域及特点 工业CT检测服务平台

What is industrial CT?

Industrial CT is industrial computer tomography, which can clearly, accurately and intuitively display the internal structure, composition, material and defect of the detected object in the form of two-dimensional sectional image or three-dimensional image without damage to the detected object. The basic principle of industrial CT is based on the attenuation and absorption characteristics of radiation in the detected object, which is related to the absorption ability of substances to radiation and the properties of substances. Therefore, the attenuation law and distribution of X-rays with certain energy and intensity emitted by radionuclides or other radiation sources in the detected object may be displayed by the detector to obtain the detailed information inside the object, and then displayed in the form of images with computer information processing and image reconstruction technology.

Features of industrial CT system:

1. Industrial CT gives the tomography image of the specimen, from which the spatial position and shape size of the details of the detection target can be seen intuitively. The target is not blocked by the surrounding details, and the image is easy to recognize and understand;

2. Industrial CT has outstanding density resolution, and high-quality CT images can reach 0.1% or even smaller, which is one order of magnitude higher than conventional ray technology;

3. Industrial CT adopts high-performance detectors, with a dynamic range of more than 106. The dynamic range of film photography is generally 200 ~ 1000, and the dynamic range of image intensifier is generally 500 ~ 2000;

4. Industrial CT image is the result of digitization, from which physical information such as pixel value, size and even density can be directly given. The digitized image is convenient for storage, transmission, analysis and processing.

Advantages of industrial CT system:

(1) Accurate positioning and easier image recognition

Conventional ray detection technology mainly projects three-dimensional objects onto two-dimensional planes, which is easy to cause the superposition of image information. If you want to obtain the information on the image, it is very difficult to accurately locate and quantitatively measure the target without experience. When detecting the workpiece, industrial CT can give two-dimensional or three-dimensional images. The target to be measured will not be blocked by the surrounding detailed features, and the obtained images are very easy to recognize. The specific spatial position, shape and size information of the target feature can be obtained directly from the image.

(2) Higher density resolution

Industrial CT has outstanding density resolution. The density resolution of high-quality CT images can even reach 0.3%, which is at least one order of magnitude higher than that of conventional nondestructive testing technology.

(3) High dynamic response range

For industrial CT with high-performance detector, the dynamic response range of the detector can reach more than 106, which is much higher than that of film and image intensifier.

(4) Images are easier to store, transmit, analyze and process

Because the industrial CT image is intuitive, and the gray scale of the image corresponds to the material, geometric structure, component and density characteristics of the workpiece, it can not only obtain the information of the shape, position and size of the defect, but also determine the nature of the defect combined with the density analysis technology, which provides a more direct solution to the problems of defect spatial positioning, depth quantification and comprehensive qualitative that have plagued nondestructive testers for a long time.

Application of industrial CT

The purpose of industrial CT image defect detection is to find the defect of the workpiece from the CT image and obtain the most accurate information about the defect. Defect detection technology is a powerful guarantee to improve product quality, and plays a positive role in reducing or avoiding accidents caused by defects.

(1) Detection of defects such as pores and cracks in the workpiece

Industrial CT equipment has high detection sensitivity to various common defects such as pores, inclusions, pinholes, shrinkage cavities, delaminations, cracks, etc., and can accurately measure the geometric dimensions of defects within a certain range. Due to the structural limitations of complex parts, the defects of some parts cannot be detected by traditional radiographic or ultrasonic testing methods.

(2) Weld quality diagnosis

Using industrial CT scanning technology to analyze the porosity of aluminum castings, weld quality diagnosis Industrial CT device for welding quality inspection can provide accurate weld quality data for technicians and provide basis for the improvement of welding process.

(3) Internal structure and assembly inspection

From the perspective of industrial CT effect, it can be clearly found that the structural Chinese medicine flake object has fragmentation, and the internal structure can be observed through three view directions, which is more intuitive and clearer, and the defect location can be accurately located in 3D.

That's all for this article. I hope it can help you. Industrial CT can also characterize the density distribution and provide a better measurement scheme. Industrial CT measurement technology has become an effective means to solve complex and difficult quality problems. It is suitable for the detection tasks of most materials and sizes, and seamlessly meets the detection needs of plastic engineering, aerospace, automotive, electronics, precision machinery, scientific research and testing and other fields.
