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IC reliability test project semiconductor third-party testing organization

Date:2022-07-12 18:15:48Views:1130

It is understood that the reliability test equipment can simulate the environment and ensure that the product meets the expected quality objectives in research, development, design and manufacturing through testing. On the one hand, this detection method can ensure the quality of enterprise products, but also enhance the competitiveness of enterprise products in the market. The first miracle of modern semiconductor IC design is that they can contain highly complex electronic circuits in such a small space. Manufacturers of these technological miracles must ensure that the equipment they produce can meet the performance expectations of end users and meet the expected service life requirements.

ic可靠性测试项目 半导体第三方检测机构

Type of reliability test

The key point of reliability test is to make the equipment fail due to overvoltage. During this process, the operation test shows the degree to which the chip maintains its function. Whenever a component reaches its breaking point, the analysis will show whether its design is inherently reasonable. This method predicts whether the equipment will operate at an acceptable level once it is mass produced and deployed on site.

In the decades since the debut of IC chips, test engineers have developed different types of accelerated life tests (ALT). Various factors determine which tests apply to a given device. The operation specifications and reliability databases of previous generations form a statistical baseline from which new equipment test results can be obtained.

JEDEC and other semiconductor standardization organizations have established appropriate reliability test parameters. Some of the most common tests include:

(1) High temperature operating life (HTOL) – this reliability test method accelerates the service life of the DUT by increasing temperature and voltage. The accelerated aging factor (AF) multiplier allows the expected life of the DUT to be calculated based on the length of time tested. HTOL tests each substructure of IC design, so the test can reveal accurate information about equipment life and possible failure points due to pressure.

(2) High accelerated temperature and humidity stress test (HAST) – evaluate the reliability of device packaging in wet environment. By increasing the temperature and humidity in the pressurized environment, the test will accelerate the degradation of the package seal by moisture. Once the moisture destroys the seal, it is likely to fail due to the corrosion of the device substrate and connecting leads.

(3) Temperature cycling test (TCT) – usually used with reinforced equipment, TCT checks the ability of the equipment to withstand extreme high and low temperatures. Temperature cycling will accelerate the fatigue failure of IC device packages, leads and seals.

(4) High temperature storage (HTS) – simulates the long-term storage of equipment in a high temperature environment. HTS is considered a passive test because there is no electrical stress at work. HTS helps to determine whether the equipment can remain reliable under high temperature for a long time.

Test effectiveness

There are many types of reliability tests to simulate specific conditions under which equipment may have to operate. The company entrusts test engineers to determine the best method to evaluate a specific IC. Test effectiveness evaluation whether the test has measured the correct parameters to determine whether the chip will perform as designed. In order to create reliable products, testing must not only re create an accurate representation of accelerated stress factors, but also select the correct criteria for evaluation.

An accurate reliability test that collects correct data is critical to the long-term success of any electronic product sold, as it is a verification that the product will operate as promised. If a large number of equipment fails on site, the company will suffer financial gains and reputation losses.

Towards higher reliability

In order to remain competitive, companies must find cost-effective ways to predict the performance of newly manufactured equipment. One answer is to use a professionally designed test platform that is flexible enough to test different products.

Maintaining a multi-functional test bench helps production facilities avoid the trap of putting together homemade solutions that may prove unsatisfactory. Investing in testing procedures to ensure the effectiveness of various products can help companies take the lead in the fierce competition in IC manufacturing.

The above is the IC reliability test related content compiled by the core detection team. I hope it will be helpful to you. Shenzhen Chuangxin Online Testing Technology Co., Ltd. is a well-known professional testing institution for electronic components in China, with 3 standardized laboratories covering an area of more than 1000 square meters. The scope of testing services covers: electronic component testing and verification, IC authenticity identification, product design and material selection, failure analysis, function testing, factory incoming material inspection, component X-ray testing, taping and other test items.
