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Which of CMA and CNAs certification has higher gold content? What is the connection between the two?

Date:2022-06-01 15:10:57Views:2183

China Metrology Accreditation (CMA), only the third-party testing institutions that have obtained the metrology certification certificate are allowed to use the CMA seal on the inspection report. The inspection report with the CMA seal can be used for product quality evaluation, achievement and judicial appraisal, and has legal effect.CMA is also the symbol of CNAs certificate of testing center. The organization with this mark is a reasonable and legal inspection institution. According to the relevant requirements of the product quality law of the people's Republic of China, organizations engaged in national inspection and testing of commodities in China must have independent subject qualifications, and the CNAs certification management method units and review bodies at the Chinese or provincial and ministerial levels must meet the review standards. Only after they are authorized according to the regulations or regulations can they engage in the inspection and detection subject activities.

CNAs mark is the abbreviation of chinanationalaccreditation serviceforconformity assessment. Based on comments. Supervise the management methods and subject activities of quality certification organizations (such as authoritative certification, laboratories and inspection organizations), and determine whether they have the strength to carry out relative quality certification subject activities (such as verification, inspection, correction, inspection, etc.).

Metrological certification (CMA)

CMA is the English abbreviation CMA of chinanspectionbodyandyandyandyandyandyaproval, which proves that the product quality or management system meets the standards. Metrological certification is one of the important work contents of legal metrological management. It is a means by which China compulsorily evaluates the testing institutions (laboratories) that provide notarial data for the society through metrological legislation. It is the administrative recognition of the third-party laboratories by the government with Chinese characteristics. For testing institutions, it is a compulsory examination and approval system for testing institutions to enter the testing service market, that is, institutions with metrological certification qualification and legal status of metrological certification can provide testing services for the society.


Laboratory Accreditation (CNAs)

CNAs consists of English

China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment

Comparison of similarities and differences between metrological Accreditation (CMA) and laboratory accreditation (CNAs)

(1) Same purpose.

Improve laboratory management level and technical ability.

(2) Different origins.

Survey Certification: in 1955, Premier Zhou proposed to establish the Bureau of metrology. In 1957, the State Council decided that government departments should set up laboratories. The laboratory integrating scientific research, production, teaching and testing has a significant impact on the promotion of laboratory construction. In 1982, the national quality inspection center was established with 1billion yuan to undertake the quality supervision and management functions of government produced (commercial) products; In 1985, in order to regulate the behavior of quality inspection institutions and other legal professional inspection institutions and improve the quality of inspection work, the detailed rules for the implementation of the measurement Law issued in 1987 was called measurement certification.

Laboratory accreditation: in the 1940s, due to the lack of consistent testing standards and means, Australia was unable to provide arms to the British army in the Second World War. Therefore, it began to establish a national unified detection system. In 1947, Australia first established the world's first testing laboratory accreditation system - National Association of testing authorities (Nata). In 1966, the British calibration service (BCS), a calibration laboratory accreditation system, was established. Since then, some developed countries in the world have established their own laboratory accreditation institutions. In 1973, the laboratory accreditation system adopted the agreement on technical barriers to trade (TBT Agreement) of the general agreement on Tariffs and trade (GATT) r at that time. In 1977, at the initiative of the United States, the International Laboratory Accreditation Conference (ILAC) was established and transformed into an entity in 1996, namely the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation Organization (ILAC).

(3) The evaluation basis is different.

Metrological certification is the evaluation basis based on Article 22 of the Metrology Law and the qualification evaluation criteria.

CNAS-CL01 is recognized by the laboratory, equivalent to iso/iec17025:2005 as the review basis.

(4) Different objects.

The objects of measurement certification include:

① Product quality inspection institutions established or authorized by the administrative departments for quality and technical supervision at various levels according to law;

② Product quality inspection institutions that provide fair data to the society with the approval of the relevant competent departments of the people's governments at all levels;

③ If a product quality inspection institution that has obtained a metrological certification needs to add new inspection items, it shall apply for an expanded metrological certification;

④ Voluntarily apply for various scientific research and testing laboratories to provide fair data for the society.

The objects for laboratory accreditation of CNAs include:

① The first party Laboratory of the supplier, including the laboratory of the manufacturer;

② The demander's second party laboratory;

③ Social public third-party laboratory.

(5) Different implementation assessment departments.

The quality and technical supervision departments at or above the provincial level shall assess the testing institutions.

The National Accreditation Service (CNAs) directly carries out laboratory accreditation for testing institutions.

(6) The assessment contents are different.

Measurement certification mainly focuses on fairness and technical capability.

Laboratory accreditation focuses on assessing the management requirements and technical capacity requirements of testing institutions.

(7) Different legal and international status.

The data provided by a product quality inspection institution that has passed the metrological certification shall be used for trade certification, product quality evaluation and achievement evaluation as notarized data and shall have legal effect. At the same time, the CMA mark of metrological certification has become an important mark of evaluation and inspection institutions recognized by the domestic society. Metrological certification has been listed as a necessary condition for inspection market access in inspection fields such as product quality inspection. Laboratory accreditation is an international practice. Gain better and more trust and support in major legal disputes.

Through the testing technical institution recognized by the National Laboratory, it is proved that it meets the general requirements of international calibration and testing laboratory capabilities.

(8) The results are different.

The CMA mark can be used in the inspection report issued by the center according to the inspection items specified in the certificate.

The CNAs mark can be used in the inspection report issued by the center according to the inspection items specified in the certificate.

4. compared with other institutions, the testing institutions recognized by the laboratory have the characteristics of metrological certification.

(1) Must be an entity capable of assuming legal liability;

(2) There must be a legal person's fair statement and corresponding non intervention policy to ensure that the testing work is not subject to external pressure and influence;

(3) Effectively control all constituent documents of its management system;

(4) Regularly go to the national measurement unit to calibrate and trace all equipment used for testing;

(5) The testing basis must be the standards uniformly issued by the state, ministries and commissions and the industry;

(6) Strictly assess the qualification of the inspectors;

(7) Strictly stipulate the testing process and regularly supervise the whole process;

(8) Effectively control the suppliers, suppliers and relevant service units used for testing;

(9) Must accept customers and give timely feedback;

(10) Conduct internal audit and management audit on the quality management system regularly every year, and conduct external audit regularly according to national regulations;

(11) The test result report shall be issued in strict accordance with the form specified by the state and the amount of relevant information.

Metrological certification is a compulsory act stipulated by laws and regulations. Its management mode is the unified management of the country to maintain the needs of the national legal system. The evaluation work is carried out on the basis of fully considering China's national conditions and measurement certification practice.
