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What is certification, recognition, inspection and testing? The article was finally made clear

Date:2022-04-24 14:58:52Views:1234

Certification, accreditation, inspection and testing is a basic system to strengthen quality management and improve market efficiency under the condition of market economy. It is an important part of market supervision. Its essential attribute is "delivering trust and serving development", which has the prominent characteristics of marketization and internationalization. It is known as the "physical examination certificate" of quality management, the "letter of credit" of market economy and the "pass" of international trade.

In January 2018, the State Council issued the opinions on strengthening the construction of quality certification system and promoting total quality management, which clearly regarded quality certification as "an important starting point for promoting supply side structural reform and deregulation service reform", and made a comprehensive deployment for the construction of quality certification system. In the "plan for deepening the reform of Party and state institutions" adopted at the Third Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, it was clear that the State Administration of market supervision "uniformly manages the measurement standards, inspection and testing, certification and Accreditation", "the responsibilities of the state certification and accreditation supervision and Administration Commission are assigned to the State Administration of market supervision and administration and keep the brand externally". Certification, accreditation, inspection and testing will play an increasingly important role in strengthening market supervision, optimizing business environment and promoting high-quality economic development.


Certification, accreditation, inspection and testing is the basic system of market economy

(1) Concept and connotation

1. Concept of national quality infrastructure

The concept of national quality infrastructure (nqi) was first put forward by the United Nations Trade Development Organization (UNCTAD) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2005. In 2006, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the international organization for Standardization (ISO) formally put forward the concept of national quality infrastructure, and called measurement, standardization and conformity assessment (certification and accreditation, inspection and testing as the main contents) as the three pillars of the national quality foundation. These three constitute a complete technical chain, which is the key for the government and enterprises to improve productivity, maintain life and health, protect consumer rights, protect the environment Important technical means to maintain safety and improve quality can effectively support social welfare, international trade and sustainable development. So far, the concept of national quality infrastructure has been widely accepted by the international community.

In 2017, after joint research by 10 relevant international organizations responsible for quality management, industrial development, trade development and regulatory cooperation, a new definition of quality infrastructure was put forward in the book quality policy - Technical Guide issued by UNIDO in 2018. The new definition points out that quality infrastructure is a system composed of organizations (public and private) and policies, relevant legal and regulatory frameworks and practices required to support and improve the quality, safety and environmental protection of products, services and processes. At the same time, it is pointed out that the quality infrastructure system involves five aspects: consumers, enterprises, quality infrastructure services, quality infrastructure public institutions and government governance; It is also emphasized that the quality infrastructure system depends on measurement, standards, accreditation (listed separately from conformity assessment), conformity assessment and market supervision.

2. Concept of conformity assessment

According to the definition in the international standard ISO / iec17000 conformity assessment vocabulary and general principles, conformity assessment refers to "the confirmation that the specified requirements related to products, processes, systems, personnel or institutions have been met". The "confidence building in conformity assessment" jointly published by the international organization for standardization and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization points out that commercial customers, consumers, users and government officials have expectations for the quality, environmental protection, safety, economy, reliability, compatibility, operability, efficiency and effectiveness of products and services. The process of proving that these characteristics meet the requirements of standards, regulations and other specifications is called conformity assessment.

Conformity assessment provides a means to meet whether relevant products and services meet these expectations in accordance with relevant standards, regulations and other specifications. It helps ensure that products and services are delivered as required or promised. In other words, the establishment of trust in conformity assessment can meet the needs of market economic subjects and promote the healthy development of market economy.

——For consumers, consumers can benefit from conformity assessment, which provides consumers with the basis for choosing products or services.

——For enterprises, manufacturers and service providers need to determine whether their products and services meet the requirements of laws, regulations, standards and specifications, and provide them according to the expectations of customers, so as to avoid losses in the market due to product failure.

——For regulators, they can also benefit from conformity assessment, which provides them with the means to implement laws and regulations and achieve public policy objectives.

3. Main types of conformity assessment

Conformity assessment mainly includes four types: detection, inspection, certification and approval. According to the definition in the international standard ISO / iec17000 conformity assessment} vocabulary and general principles:

(1) Testing is "the activity of determining one or more characteristics of the conformity assessment object according to the procedure".

Generally speaking, it refers to the activities of using instruments and equipment for evaluation according to technical standards and specifications, and the evaluation results are test data.

(2) Inspection refers to the activity of "reviewing product design, product, process or installation and determining its compliance with specific requirements, or determining its compliance with general requirements according to professional judgment";

Generally speaking, it means to rely on people's experience and knowledge and use test data or other evaluation information to determine whether it conforms to relevant regulations.

(3) Certification is the "third party certificate related to products, processes, systems or personnel";

Generally speaking, it refers to the conformity assessment activities in which the certification body with the nature of a third party certifies that the products, services, management system and personnel comply with relevant standards and technical specifications.

(4) Accreditation is "a third-party certificate formally indicating that the conformity assessment institution has the ability to carry out specific conformity assessment work".

Generally speaking, it refers to the conformity assessment activities that the accreditation institution proves the technical ability of the certification institution, inspection institution and laboratory.

According to the above definition, the objects of inspection, testing and certification are products, services and enterprise organizations (directly facing the market); The recognized object is the institutions engaged in inspection, testing and certification (indirectly facing the market).

4. Attributes of conformity assessment activities

According to the attributes of qualification assessment activities, it can be divided into three categories: first party, second party and third party.

——First party. It refers to the conformity assessment implemented by manufacturers, service providers and other suppliers, such as self inspection and internal audit carried out by manufacturers to meet their own R & D, design and production needs.

——Second party. It refers to the conformity assessment implemented by users, consumers or purchasers, such as the inspection and inspection of purchased goods by the purchaser.

——Third party. It refers to the conformity assessment carried out by a third-party organization independent of the supplier and the demander, such as product certification, management system certification, various recognition activities, etc. Certification, recognition and inspection and testing activities that can prove to the society belong to the third-party conformity assessment.

Compared with the conformity assessment of the first party and the second party, the third party conformity assessment is implemented by institutions with independent status and professional ability in strict accordance with national or international prevailing standards and technical specifications. It has higher authority and credibility. Therefore, it has been widely recognized by all parties in the market. It can not only effectively ensure quality and protect the interests of all parties, but also enhance market trust and promote trade facilitation.

5. Expression of conformity assessment results

The results of conformity assessment are usually publicized to the society in written forms such as certificates, reports and marks. Through this publicity proof, we can solve the problem of information asymmetry in order to obtain the general trust of relevant parties and the public. The main forms are:

——Certification certificate and mark;

——Approval certificate and mark;

——Inspection certificate and test report.

(2) Origin and development.

1. Inspection and detection. Inspection and testing has been accompanied by human production, life and scientific research activities. With the demand of production and trading activities for commodity quality control, standardized, procedural and standardized inspection and testing activities are developing day by day. In the later stage of the industrial revolution, inspection and testing technology and instruments and equipment have been highly integrated and complex, and gradually produced inspection and testing institutions specializing in testing, calibration and verification. Inspection and testing itself has also become a booming industry field. With the development of trade, there are third-party inspection and testing institutions specialized in providing product safety testing, goods identification and other quality services to the society. For example, the American underwriter's Laboratory (UL), established in 1894, plays an important role in trade exchanges and market supervision.

2. Certification. In 1903, according to the standards formulated by the British Engineering Standards Institute (BSI), the UK began to certify the rail products that passed the inspection and add the "Kite" logo, becoming the earliest product certification system in the world. By the 1930s, industrial countries such as Europe, America and Japan had successively established their own certification and accreditation systems, especially for specific products with high quality and safety risks.

With the development of international trade, in order to avoid repeated certification and facilitate trade, countries objectively need to adopt unified standards, rules and procedures for certification activities, so as to realize the mutual recognition of certification results. In the 1970s, in addition to implementing the certification system in their own countries, European and American countries began to recognize the certification system between countries, and then developed into a regional certification system based on regional standards and regulations. The most typical regional certification system is the EU CENELEC (European Electrotechnical Standardization Committee) electrical product certification, followed by the development of the EU CE directive.

With the increasing globalization of international trade, it is a general trend to establish a universal certification system all over the world. By the 1980s, countries around the world began to implement international certification systems based on international standards and rules on a variety of products, such as the electrical product safety certification system (IECEE) established by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Since then, it has gradually expanded from product certification to management system, personnel certification and other certification fields, such as ISO9001 international quality management system promoted by the international organization for Standardization (ISO) and certification activities carried out according to this standard.

3. Recognition. With the development of inspection, testing, certification and other conformity assessment activities, all kinds of conformity assessment institutions engaged in inspection, testing and certification activities have appeared one after another, with mixed advantages and disadvantages, which makes users have no choice. Even some institutions have damaged the interests of relevant parties, leading to calls for the government to regulate the behavior of certification institutions and inspection and testing institutions. In order to ensure the authority and impartiality of certification, inspection and testing results, accreditation activities came into being. In 1947, the first national accreditation body, nata Australia, was established and the laboratory was first accredited. By the 1980s, industrial developed countries had successively established their own accreditation institutions. After the 1990s, some emerging countries have also established accreditation institutions.

With the origin and development of certification system, it has gradually developed from product certification to management system certification, service certification, personnel certification and so on; With the origin and development of accreditation system, it has gradually developed from laboratory accreditation to certification body accreditation, inspection agency accreditation and other types.

(3) Function and function.

The reason why certification, accreditation, inspection and testing is a basic system of market economy can be summarized as "one essential attribute, two typical characteristics, three basic functions and four prominent roles".

——"An essential attribute": transfer trust and service development.

Market economy is essentially a credit economy. All market transactions are the common choice of market subjects based on mutual trust. With the increasing complexity of social division of labor and quality and safety issues, it has become a necessary link of market economic activities for a third party with professional ability to objectively and fairly evaluate and verify the market transaction objects (products, services or enterprise organizations). Obtaining the certification and recognition of a third party can significantly enhance the trust of all parties in the market, so as to solve the problem of information asymmetry in the market and effectively reduce the market transaction risk. After the birth of certification and accreditation system, it has been rapidly and widely used in domestic and international economic and trade activities to convey trust to consumers, enterprises, government, society and the world. In the process of the continuous improvement of the market system and market economic system, the characteristics of "transmitting trust and serving development" of certification and accreditation will become increasingly apparent.

——Two typical characteristics: marketization and internationalization.

First, the characteristics of marketization. Certification and recognition originates from the market, serves the market and develops in the market. It widely exists in market trading activities such as products and services. It can transmit authoritative and reliable information in the market, establish market trust mechanism and guide the survival of the fittest in the market. By means of certification and accreditation, market entities can realize mutual trust and recognition, break market and industry barriers, promote trade facilitation and reduce institutional transaction costs; By means of certification and accreditation, market supervision departments can strengthen quality and safety supervision, optimize market access and in-process and post supervision, standardize market order and reduce supervision costs.

Second, the characteristics of internationalization. Certification and accreditation is a common international economic and trade rule under the framework of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Internationally, certification and accreditation is generally regarded as a common means to regulate the market and facilitate trade, and a unified standard, procedure and system are established. First, international cooperation organizations have been established in many fields, such as international organization for Standardization (ISO), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), International Accreditation Forum (IAF), International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation Organization (ILAC), etc. Their purpose is to establish an internationally unified standard and certification and accreditation system to realize "one inspection, one inspection, one certification, one accreditation and global circulation". Second, a full range of certification and accreditation standards and guidelines have been established internationally and issued by international organizations such as the international organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). At present, 36 international standards for conformity assessment have been issued, which are widely adopted by countries all over the world. At the same time, the agreement on technical barriers to trade (WTO / TBT) of the world trade organization also regulates national standards, technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures, and establishes reasonable objectives, minimization of trade impact, transparency, national treatment, international standards and principles of mutual recognition, so as to reduce the impact on trade as much as possible. Third, certification and accreditation means are widely used internationally. On the one hand, they are used as market access measures to ensure that products and services meet the requirements of laws and standards, such as EU CE directive, Japan PSE certification, China CCC certification and other compulsory certification systems; Some international market procurement systems, such as the global food safety initiative (GFSI), also take certification and accreditation as procurement access conditions or evaluation basis. On the other hand, as a trade facilitation measure, double and multilateral mutual recognition is adopted to avoid repeated testing and certification, such as the electronic and electrical product testing and certification system (IECEE), electronic component quality conformity assessment system (IECQ), explosion-proof electrical product certification system (IECEx) and other mutual recognition arrangements established by the International Electrotechnical Commission, covering more than 90% of the world's economies, which greatly facilitates Global trade.

——Three basic functions: quality management "physical examination certificate", market economy "letter of credit" and international trade "pass".

Certification and recognition, as the name suggests, is to evaluate the conformity of products, services and their enterprise organizations and issue publicity certificates to the society to meet the needs of market subjects for various quality characteristics. In the case of reducing the "certificate" of access restrictions by government departments, the function of "certificate" to enhance mutual trust and convenience among market subjects is becoming more and more indispensable.

First, the "physical examination certificate" of quality management. Certification and accreditation is a process of diagnosing and improving whether the production and business activities of enterprises meet the standards and specifications by using a variety of quality management methods according to the requirements of standards and regulations. It is an effective tool to strengthen total quality management. Through the certification and accreditation activities, it can help enterprises identify the key links and risk factors of quality control, continuously improve quality management and continuously improve the quality of products and services. To obtain certification, an enterprise needs to go through multiple evaluation links such as internal audit, management review, factory inspection, measurement calibration and product type test. After obtaining the certificate, it also needs regular post certificate supervision, which means that a full set of "physical examination" can continuously ensure the effective operation of the management system and effectively strengthen quality management.

Second, the "letter of credit" of market economy. The essence of market economy is credit economy. Certification, accreditation, inspection and testing transmit authoritative and reliable information in the market, which helps to establish a market trust mechanism, improve market operation efficiency, and guide the survival of the fittest in the market. Obtaining the third-party authoritative certification is a credit carrier to prove that the enterprise organization has the qualification and ability to participate in specific market economic activities and that its goods or services meet the requirements. For example, ISO9001 quality management system certification is the basic condition for bidding and government procurement at home and abroad. If it involves specific requirements such as environment and information security, ISO14001 environmental management system certification and ISO27001 information security management system certification will also be taken as qualification conditions; Government procurement of energy-saving products and the national "golden sun" project take energy-saving product certification and new energy certification as access conditions. It can be said that certification, accreditation, inspection and testing provide credit certificates for market subjects, solve the problem of information asymmetry, and play an irreplaceable role in transmitting trust for market economic activities.

Third, the "pass" of international trade. Due to the characteristics of internationalization, certification and accreditation advocates "one inspection and testing, one certification and accreditation and international mutual recognition", which can help enterprises and products smoothly enter the international market. It plays an important role in coordinating international market access and promoting trade facilitation in the global trading system. It is an institutional arrangement to promote mutual market opening in the multilateral and bilateral trading system. In the multilateral field, certification and accreditation is not only an international common rule to promote trade in goods under the framework of the World Trade Organization (WTO), but also an access condition for some global procurement systems such as the food safety initiative and the Telecommunication Union; In the bilateral field, certification and accreditation is not only a convenient tool to eliminate trade barriers under the framework of free trade area (FTA), but also an important topic for trade negotiations among governments on market access, trade balance and so on. In many international trade activities, the certification certificate or test report issued by international well-known institutions is regarded as the prerequisite for trade procurement and the necessary basis for trade settlement; Not only that, many market access negotiations between countries have included certification, accreditation, inspection and testing as an important content in trade agreements.

——Four prominent functions: improving market supply, service market supervision, optimizing market environment and promoting market opening.

First, market players should be oriented to guide quality improvement and upgrading and increase effective market supply. At present, the certification and accreditation system has been fully implemented in all categories of the national economy and all fields of society, forming various types of certification and accreditation covering products, services, management systems, personnel and so on, which can meet the needs of market subjects and regulatory authorities. Through the conduction and feedback function of certification and recognition, guide consumption and procurement, form an effective market selection mechanism, force production enterprises to improve management level and product and service quality, and increase effective market supply. In recent years, in accordance with the requirements of supply side structural reform, CNCA has played the role of certification and accreditation, which can not only ensure the "bottom line of safety" but also pull the "high line of quality", carried out the upgrading of quality management system in certified enterprises, and implemented high-end quality certification in the fields of food, consumer goods and services, which has stimulated the enthusiasm of market subjects to independently improve quality.

Second, support administrative supervision for government departments and improve the efficiency of market supervision. Internationally, the market is generally divided into two links: pre market (before sales) and post market (after sales). Whether in the pre market access and post market supervision, certification and accreditation can promote the transformation of government functions, implement indirect management through a third party and reduce direct intervention in the market. In the pre market access link, government departments implement access management in areas related to personal health and safety and social public safety through means of compulsory certification and binding capacity requirements; In the post market supervision link, government departments give full play to the professional advantages of third-party institutions in the process of in-process and post supervision, and take the third-party certification results as the supervision basis to ensure the scientificity and impartiality of supervision. In the case of giving full play to the role of certification and accreditation, the regulatory authorities do not need to focus on the comprehensive supervision of hundreds of millions of micro enterprises and products, but should focus on the supervision of a limited number of certification and accreditation, inspection and testing institutions, with the help of these institutions to transmit the regulatory requirements to enterprises, so as to achieve the effect of "four or two pulling a thousand pounds".

Third, promote the construction of integrity for all parties in society and create a good market environment. Government departments can take the certification information of enterprises and their products and services as an important basis for integrity evaluation and credit investigation management, improve the market trust mechanism, and optimize the market access environment, competition environment and consumption environment. In terms of optimizing the market access environment, ensure that the enterprises entering the market and their products and services meet the requirements of relevant standards, laws and regulations through certification and accreditation, so as to check the source and purify the market; In terms of optimizing the market competition environment, certification and accreditation provides the market with independent, fair, professional and reliable evaluation information, avoids resource mismatch caused by information asymmetry, forms a fair and transparent competition environment, and plays a role in standardizing the market order and guiding the survival of the fittest in the market; In terms of optimizing the market consumption environment, the most direct function of certification and recognition is to guide consumption, help consumers identify advantages and disadvantages, avoid being infringed by unqualified products, and guide enterprises to operate in good faith and improve products and services, so as to protect consumers' rights and interests and improve the quality of consumer goods.

Fourth, facing the international market, promote the docking of rules and improve the openness of the market. The agreement on technical barriers to trade of the world trade organization takes conformity assessment as a technical trade measure commonly used by all members, requires that the conformity assessment measures of all parties shall not bring unnecessary obstacles to trade, and encourages the adoption of internationally accepted conformity assessment procedures. When China joined the WTO, it made a commitment to unify the market conformity assessment procedures and give national treatment to domestic and foreign enterprises and products. Adopting the internationally accepted certification and recognition method can avoid inconsistency and duplication of internal and external supervision, improve the efficiency and transparency of market supervision, help to create an international business environment and provide convenient conditions for China's economy to "go global" and "bring in". As one belt, one road and free trade zone accelerate, the role of certification and accreditation is more apparent. In the vision and action of promoting the joint construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st century Maritime Silk Road issued by China, certification and accreditation is regarded as an important aspect of promoting the smooth flow of trade and the interconnection of rules. In recent years, China has made mutual recognition arrangements in certification and accreditation in the free trade area agreements reached with ASEAN, New Zealand and South Korea.

2、 Development of certification, accreditation, inspection and testing in China

(1) Development history.

Certification and accreditation is "imported" in China. China's certification and accreditation system began at the beginning of reform and opening up in the 1970s and 1980s. With the development of China's market economy, it can be roughly divided into three stages:

1. Pilot and initial stage of certification and Accreditation (1978-1991)

——Certification area. In 1978, China rejoined the international organization for standardization and began to understand that certification is an effective means of evaluating, supervising and managing product quality. In 1981, China joined the international electronic component certification organization and established China's first product certification organization - China electronic component Certification Committee, which marked the beginning of China's formal reference to foreign certification systems.

From the mid-1980s to the early 1990s, China has successively established a series of product certification systems for household appliances, electronic entertainment equipment, medical devices, automobiles, food, fire products and so on.

——Recognized areas. In 1980, the former National Bureau of standards and the former State Administration for import and export commodity inspection jointly sent a delegation to participate in the International Laboratory Accreditation Conference (ILAC), and international accreditation activities began to sprout in China. In 1985, the laboratory accreditation system was introduced.

2. Full implementation stage of certification and Accreditation (1991-2001)

In May 1991, order No. 83 of the State Council officially promulgated the regulations of the people's Republic of China on the administration of domestic quality certification, marking that China's quality certification has entered a new stage of comprehensive and standardized implementation from the pilot.

——Certification area. At this stage, in addition to the comprehensive establishment and implementation of product certification, important progress has also been made in the field of management system certification. Certification systems such as ISO9001 quality management system, ISO14001 environmental management system and OHSAS18001 occupational health and safety management system have been established one after another.

During this period, the most influential certification systems were the "Great Wall mark" certification system of the former State Administration of technical supervision (quality and Technical Supervision Bureau) for the safety access of domestic products and the "CCIB mark" certification system of the former State Administration of import and export commodity inspection (entry exit inspection and Quarantine Bureau) for the safety access of imported goods.

——Recognized areas. The former State Administration of quality and technical supervision has successively established China National Accreditation Committee for quality management system certification institutions (CNACR), China National Registration Committee for certification personnel (CRBA), China National Accreditation Committee for laboratories (CNACL) and China National Accreditation Committee for product certification institutions (cnacp) to carry out the accreditation work in the domestic market; The former State Administration for import and export commodity inspection (CIQ) has successively established China National Accreditation Committee for import and export enterprise certification bodies (CNAB) and China National Accreditation Committee for import and export laboratories (CCIBLAC) to carry out accreditation in the field of import and export.

3. Establishment and implementation of a unified certification and accreditation system (since 2001)

After China introduced the certification and accreditation system from the international level, under the planned economic system at that time, it was implemented by different departments in their respective industries, objectively resulting in a series of disadvantages, such as separate management, multi head management, repeated certification and so on. Most prominently, due to the segmentation of domestic and foreign trade markets at that time, two different certification systems were implemented for domestic products and imported products, which was not in line with the internationally accepted principle of national treatment. This issue became the focus of negotiations during the "WTO accession" negotiations. In the protocol on China's accession to the WTO, the Chinese government has made a commitment to establish a unified product certification system, involving as many as 23 provisions on certification, accreditation, inspection and testing. In August 2001, in order to meet the needs of China's "accession to the WTO" and the improvement of the socialist market economic system, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council decided to merge the former State Administration of quality and technical supervision and the State Administration of entry exit inspection and quarantine to form the General Administration of quality supervision, inspection and Quarantine of the people's Republic of China, and establish the national certification and Accreditation Commission, which marked the establishment of a unified certification and accreditation management system in China.

——Unified management department: as the certification and accreditation supervision and Administration Department of the State Council, CNCA is responsible for unified management, supervision and comprehensive coordination of national certification and accreditation.

——Unification of laws and regulations: in November 2003, the State Council promulgated and implemented the certification and accreditation regulations, which established a certification and accreditation management system that not only meets the international prevailing rules, but also conforms to the actual situation of our country.

——Unified certification system: with the compulsory product certification system as the core, a national unified certification system has been established. In May 2002, the state officially implemented a new compulsory product certification system, the core of which is to realize "four unification" (i.e. unified product catalogue, unified applicable national standards, technical rules and implementation procedures, unified mark and unified charging standard) for domestic and imported products, so as to replace the "CCIB mark" certification and the "Great Wall mark" certification.

——Unified accreditation system: in August 2002, a centralized and unified accreditation system was established on the basis of the original import and export and domestic accreditation systems; In March 2006, the National Accreditation Committee (CNAs) was established as the only national accreditation body in China.

In March 2018, according to the plan for deepening the reform of Party and state institutions of the CPC Central Committee, the State Administration of market supervision was established to be responsible for the comprehensive supervision and management of the market and the unified management of inspection, testing, certification and accreditation. The responsibilities of the state certification and Accreditation Administration are assigned to the State Administration of market supervision and administration, and the brand is reserved. It fully reflects the great attention paid by the Party Central Committee and the State Council to the certification, accreditation, inspection and testing work, and shows that the certification, accreditation, inspection and testing work has entered a new era.

(2) Working system

Since its establishment, CNCA has built a certification and accreditation system in line with international standards in accordance with international prevailing rules and the reality of China's development, serving the country's reform and opening up and economic and social development in an all-round way, and playing a positive role of common concern.

1. Legal system. A system of laws and regulations with the certification and accreditation regulations as the core has been established. At present, 19 laws, 17 administrative regulations and 14 regulations have been clearly written into the provisions of certification and accreditation.

2. System. According to international rules and national conditions, a compulsory and voluntary certification system, a national accreditation system, a qualification certification system for inspection and testing institutions, a certification personnel registration system, etc. have been established to fully cover certification, accreditation, inspection and testing activities. At present, there are 142 kinds of compulsory certification products; Voluntary certification includes 49 sub categories in 3 categories: products, services and management system; The accreditation includes 12 basic accreditation systems and 27 special accreditation systems.

3. Organizational system. In accordance with the principle of "unified management and joint implementation", an organization system has been established with the General Administration of market supervision (CNCA) as the competent department, the inter ministerial joint meeting composed of relevant ministries and units as the discussion and coordination body, the certification and supervision departments all over the country as the subject of law enforcement supervision, and the certification and accreditation inspection and testing institutions as the implementation subject.

4. Regulatory system. A five in one regulatory system of "legal norms, administrative supervision, accreditation constraints, industry self-discipline and social supervision" has been established to implement access management and in-process and post supervision for certification institutions, accreditation institutions and inspection and testing institutions.

5. Standard system. All 36 international standards for conformity assessment have been converted into national standards, 94 national standards and 136 industrial standards have been issued, and the evaluation basis has been standardized.

6. International cooperation and mutual recognition system. In total, it has joined 21 certification and accreditation international organizations and signed 13 multilateral mutual recognition agreements and 121 bilateral cooperation mutual recognition arrangements. One belt, one road, one belt, one road, one country and one region, has established bilateral cooperation relationship with China. It has provided a convenient arrangement for the construction of "one belt and one road" construction. More than 30

(3) Development data.

1. Number of certificates

By the end of 2018, a total of 1937000 valid certificates had been issued, including 643000 compulsory product certificates and 1294000 voluntary certificates. The total number of certificates increased by 10.5% over the end of 2017.

2. Number of enterprises

(1) Certified organizations: more than 625000; (2) There are 73569 enterprises involved in the valid certificate of compulsory product certification (including 5352 overseas enterprises and 68217 domestic enterprises).

3. Number of institutions

There are 481 certification institutions and more than 39000 inspection and testing institutions; 171 certification institutions and 10439 inspection and testing institutions have obtained the accreditation qualification.

The number of inspection and testing certificates and certified organizations issued by China has ranked first in the world for many consecutive years. The output value of inspection, testing and certification services has exceeded 270 billion yuan, becoming the fastest-growing and most potential inspection, testing and certification market in the world.

(4) Work effectiveness.

Certification, accreditation, inspection and testing play an increasingly significant role in improving China's socialist market economic system, strengthening market supervision and promoting open trade. To sum up, it is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

1. Guarantee quality and safety. The "bottom line" role of compulsory certification in market access has been brought into play, effectively ensuring product quality and safety and protecting the interests of consumers. Since the implementation of compulsory product certification (CCC certification) in China, the random inspection qualified rate of lamp products has increased from 32% to 94%, and the random inspection qualified rate of automobile child safety seats has increased from less than 10% to 97%.

2. Improve supply quality. Give full play to the role of voluntary certification in promoting quality improvement, carry out the upgrading of quality management system in millions of enterprises, and promote high-end quality certification in consumer goods such as smart toilet covers, electric rice cookers and smart household appliances, as well as services such as medical care, elderly care and finance; Promote organic, HACCP (hazard analysis and key control points) and gap (good agricultural practice) certification in the food and agricultural products industry; Build an inspection and certification system in strategic emerging industries such as robots and Beidou navigation; The use of certification and accreditation means to cultivate regional quality brands such as "made in Zhejiang", "Shenzhen standard" and "Shanghai quality" has driven the upgrading of industry and consumption. The number of management system certification certificates per unit GDP in China is 69.85 pieces / US $1 billion, and the effectiveness rate of the certified enterprise quality management system reaches 98%, reaching the international advanced level.

3. Promoting green development. Vigorously promote the certification and accreditation system for energy conservation, low carbon and environmental protection, carry out the third-party verification and approval of greenhouse climate emissions, and take multiple measures to guide green production and consumption. In November 2016, the State Council issued GBF [2016] No. 86 document, which decided to integrate the environmental protection, energy conservation, water conservation, recycling, low-carbon, renewable, organic and other products set up separately, establish a unified green product standard, certification and identification system, and promote the development of green industry. According to the calculation of certified energy-saving and water-saving products, 220 million tons of standard coal and 39 billion tons of water were saved during the 12th Five Year Plan period. Actively explore a new mechanism for organic certification to help targeted poverty alleviation and ecological civilization construction. Among the 592 national key counties for poverty alleviation and development, 446 have enterprises with organic product certification; Among the 129 national organic product certification demonstration zones in China, 45 are from poor counties.

4. Promoting foreign trade. The international mutual recognition scope of China's certification, accreditation, inspection and testing covers regions accounting for more than 90% of the global economy, providing a convenient service of "one test, one certification and global access" for the export of a large number of products and services in China. Take electronic products as an example. Every year, more than 60000 Chinese enterprises obtain the International Electrotechnical Commission's electrical product safety certification and test certificate (iecee-cb), which reduces the export cost by more than 1 / 3 on average. Taking food as an example, the food trade covered by the global food safety initiative (GFSI) accounts for 65% of the total global food trade. After China's accession to the organization's mutual recognition system, more than 4000 food enterprises benefit from it every year.

5. Serving the transformation of government functions. With the deepening of the reform of "release, management and service", more and more government departments use certification and accreditation to replace the original examination and approval, and change direct management into indirect management, which promotes the transformation of government functions and management methods. In recent years, CNCA, together with the competent departments of various industries, has established certification and accreditation systems for railway, fire protection, security, judicial expertise and intellectual property protection, which has effectively improved the management level of the industry; In addition, Haidian District of Beijing, Dalian city of Liaoning Province, Jiangmen City of Guangdong Province and other local governments have passed the ISO9001 quality management system certification, and more than 2000 government departments have obtained the certification, which has significantly improved the efficiency of management services.

(5) Powerful country indicators.

In order to accurately study and judge the development status of China's certification and accreditation in the world and scientifically guide the construction of a strong certification and accreditation country, CNCA has organized and carried out the research on the evaluation indicators of a strong certification and accreditation country since 2016, and constructed a relatively scientific, systematic and complete index system.

1. Index system.

The index system includes one first-class index of certification and accreditation power index, six second-class indexes of system construction, service development, industrial strength, innovation drive, international influence and basic capacity, laws and regulations, system supply, trade promotion, security, social governance, industrial scale, quality and efficiency, service output, product innovation, technological innovation, management innovation, professional leadership, institutional appointment, international mutual recognition, institutional construction There are 16 three-level indicators for talent training.

2. Index calculation.

After calculation, among the 12 indicators that can be compared internationally, China is at a relatively leading level in four indicators: trade promotion, social governance, industrial scale and institutional employment; Six indicators, including laws and regulations, safety assurance, professional leadership, service export, international mutual recognition and talent training, are at a medium level; The two indicators such as quality benefit and technological innovation are relatively backward.

On the whole, China has entered the forefront of the second lineup of international certification and accreditation, and is accelerating towards the ranks of certification and accreditation powers.
