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The main application of XRF in modern environmental analysis

Date:2022-04-15 16:52:33Views:835

XRF test is one of the commonly used tests. People usually call the secondary X-ray generated by X-ray irradiation on substances as X-ray fluorescence, and the X-ray used for irradiation as primary X-ray. So X-ray fluorescence is still X-ray.

A typical x-ray fluorescence (XRF) instrument consists of excitation source (X-ray tube) and detection system. The X-ray tube generates incident X-rays (primary x-rays) to excite the tested sample. Each element in the excited sample will emit secondary X-rays, and the secondary x-rays emitted by different elements have specific energy characteristics or wavelength characteristics. The detection system measures the energy and quantity of these emitted secondary X-rays. Then, the instrument software converts the information collected by the detection system into the types and contents of various elements in the sample. The secondary X-rays produced by X-rays shining on substances are called X-ray fluorescence.


Based on the principle of X-ray fluorescence, each element in the periodic table can be measured theoretically. In practical application, the effective element measurement range is element 11 (NA) to element 92 (U).

(1) Application of XRF in mineral processing

X-ray fluorescence spectrometry has the advantages of good accuracy and high precision in the detection of tungsten ore. In the flotation production process of concentrator, XRF is mainly used for on-line monitoring the content of important elements in pulp. In China, there are mainly two types of on-line (current carrying) grade analyzers in the beneficiation production process: one is the current carrying grade analyzer represented by courier products of Outokumpu, Finland, and byf100 - Ⅲ current carrying XRF developed by Northwest Institute of mining and metallurgy. These analyzers belong to the type of wavelength dispersion; The second is the on-line grade analyzer represented by WDPF model of Maanshan Mine Research Institute, which belongs to the type of energy dispersion.

(2) Application of energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer in cultural relics protection and Archaeology

In archaeological research, X-ray fluorescence spectrum analysis can be used to determine the components in ancient relics, so as to achieve various analysis purposes and understand the human society and culture at that time. X-ray fluorescence spectrum analysis is mainly used to identify the age, authenticity, origin and manufacturing technology of ancient relics.

(3) Application of XRF in geology

With the deeper and more specific geological research, the traditional geological survey can no longer meet the current research needs. The modern test and analysis technology with higher accuracy, stronger accuracy and better sensitivity is becoming more and more important in geological research. As a basic testing method with good practicability, wide application range and relatively low cost of testing and analysis, X-ray diffraction analysis has become an indispensable means, which is applied in all aspects of Geoscience, such as petrology, mineralogy, mineral deposit science, tectonics and so on.

The above is about the environmental application of XRF. In addition, XRF can instantly identify the extremely low parts per million content of heavy metals in soil. XRF is an important tool to help ensure environmental safety before developing or renovating schools, houses, amusement parks and sports fields. In the process of renovation, reconstruction, restoration and painting of buildings and old houses, XRF can quickly detect the lead element in soil and dust, building surface and lead containing pigment, which helps to reduce the capital and time consumed in the process of analyzing whether the project meets the environmental management regulations.
