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Reliability test type report standard and process report

Date:2022-02-25 13:51:16Views:868

Reliability is an important quality index. By using various environmental test equipment to simulate various changes in the climate environment, accelerate the reaction of the product in the service environment, and verify whether it meets the expected quality standards in R & D, design and manufacturing. So as to evaluate the whole product to determine the reliability function of the product and the ability or possibility of the product to perform the specified function without failure in a certain time or condition. This paper has collected and sorted out some materials, and I hope this paper can be of great reference value to all readers.

Reliability includes three elements: durability, maintainability and design reliability:

1. Durability:Failure free or durability of the product;

2. Maintainability:When a product fails, it can quickly and easily eliminate the fault through maintenance or repair, which is maintainability;

3. Design reliability:This is the key to determine the product quality. Due to the complexity of the machine system, the possible errors in human operation and the influence of the operating environment, the possibility of errors still exists. Therefore, the ease of use and ease of operation of the product must be fully considered in the design, which is the design reliability.


Type of reliability test:

1. According to the test location, it can be divided into laboratory test and field test;

2. According to the test items, it can be divided into environmental test, screening test and life test;

3. According to the test purpose, it can be divided into reliability measurement test, reliability verification test and reliability growth test;

4. According to the product development stage, it can be divided into development test, identification test and acceptance test;

5. According to the strength of applied stress, it can be divided into normal stress test and strengthened stress test;

6. According to whether the test object is damaged or not, it can be divided into destructive test and non-destructive test;

7. According to the sample size, it can be divided into full test and sampling test;

8. According to the sampling plan, it can be divided into fixed time censoring test, fixed number censoring test and sequential test.

Reliability test process:

1. Determine the type of test according to the test purpose and product conditions;

2. Assume the type of life distribution of the product;

3. Select the test scheme according to the product batch and cost;

4. Determine the limit of product reliability index according to technical and economic conditions;

5. According to the test plan and given parameters, formulate the sampling plan to determine the number of test objects and test time;

6. Determine the test conditions, including environmental conditions, working conditions and load conditions, as well as the initial state of the test object;

7. According to the performance of the product, specify the parameters to be measured and the corresponding measurement method and measurement cycle;

8. Formulate fault classification and judgment criteria;

9. Specify the items, contents and corresponding formats to be recorded;

10. Analyze and process the data, judge the test results and put forward the test report.

In conclusion, only high reliability products can meet the needs of modern technology and production, so as to obtain high economic benefits. The development of reliability engineering can drive and promote the development of product design, manufacturing, use, materials, technology, equipment and management, and raise electronic components and other electronic products to a new level.
