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Researchers have developed new chips that will thwart 5g wireless transmission eavesdroppers

Date:2021-11-29 14:30:47Views:847

According to the paper published in the latest issue of nature electronics, American researchers have developed a new millimeter wave wireless microchip, which realizes a secure wireless transmission mode that can prevent interception without reducing the efficiency and speed of 5g network. This technology will make eavesdropping 5g and other high-frequency wireless transmission very challenging.

The existing communication encryption methods may be difficult to be extended to 5g and other high-speed and ultra-low delay systems. This is because the essence of encryption requires the exchange of information between the sender and the receiver to encrypt and decrypt messages. This exchange makes the link vulnerable, and it also needs to increase the calculation delay. For self driving cars, robots and other networked physical systems, it is very important to minimize the action time.


To bridge this security gap, Princeton University researchers have developed a method to incorporate security into the physical properties of signals. This method does not rely on encryption, but frustrates the eavesdropper's attempt by making the signal at his location look almost like noise. Researchers do this by randomly dividing the message and assigning different parts of the message to a subset of antennas in the array. Researchers can coordinate transmission so that only receivers in the desired direction can combine signals in the correct order. Anywhere else, the segmented signal arrives in a noise like manner.

In principle, the researchers say, this is the secret weapon behind transmission security - by accurately modulating these high-frequency electromagnetic fields in space and time. If an eavesdropper attempts to intercept a message by interfering with the main transmission, it will cause transmission problems and be detected by the expected user. Although it is theoretically possible for multiple eavesdroppers to work together to collect noise like signals and try to recombine them into coherent transmission, the number of receivers required to do so will be "very large".

Rice University Professor Edward Knightley said that this work shows for the first time how to use machine learning data collected from multiple synchronous observation points to defeat a complex opponent through experiments, which is "an important milestone" to ensure network security in the future. (Source: Science and technology daily)
