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"Core shortage tide" is all over the world! Avoid falling into the trap of "fake" chips

Date:2021-11-26 13:49:00Views:987

At the moment of chip shortage, it is inevitable that some manufacturers or dealers will increase the chip price. This is a normal market phenomenon. It is understandable that there is no excessive price increase. Although the major terminal product manufacturers downstream of the chip will increase the production cost, most of them also accept it. However, some people take advantage of the demand side enterprises' desire for chips and start illegal business. This may be mixed with counterfeits. Some businesses with chaotic management may purchase counterfeit products from other enterprises and sell them to finished product manufacturers.

As early as June this year, some domestic manufacturers in Shenzhen were exposed to rework their products due to the use of unqualified fake MOS tubes, resulting in serious losses to finished product manufacturers. In addition, the factory of Japanese electronics manufacturer Jenesis in South China once purchased a batch of chips through the website and applied them to products, but these products could not be opened when the micro calculator was running. The reason is that the product specifications of these chips are completely different from those ordered by Jenesis, and they were not found in time because the supplier forged the packaging. Companies that deal with chips every day will buy fake chips, not to mention chip lovers.

Since this year, with the spread of core shortage around the world, all industries have been affected to varying degrees. Due to the urgent orders, some manufacturers began to take risks and purchase chips with unknown sources. They didn't realize that these were counterfeit chips until they received the goods.


There are many means of forgery, most of which are waste semiconductors removed from waste computers, or defective products that should have been discarded. Forge new products by changing surface identification and product number. According to different forgery methods, counterfeit chips on the market can be divided into these three categories:

The first is to directly renovate second-hand chips to get counterfeit chips filled with old ones. Some manufacturers in the market will recycle some scrapped or unqualified chips, and then they repair the pins of these scrapped chips, package them into new chips, and then sell them. In this way, counterfeit chips began to enter the supply chain of some products.

The second is fake chips that are shoddy, which refers to upgrading second-hand chips after polishing. After recycling the second-hand chips, some manufacturers remove the trademarks on the second-hand chips by grinding and other means, re mark the trademarks of high-end chips, realize the upgrading of products, and the profits also increase.

The last one refers to fake chips. After dismantling the original manufacturer's chip, the counterfeiter imitates the original manufacturer's chip design to create a chip with similar appearance, and then sells it. But in fact, this fake chip is far inferior to the original manufacturer's chip in manufacturing technology and performance.

If the manufacturer can implement strict inspection links, it can also greatly eliminate the adverse impact caused by counterfeit chips. However, because the inspection process often takes one to two weeks, and because of urgent orders, some manufacturers have relaxed restrictions on the chip detection process in order to deliver in time.

In addition, the market regulation of counterfeit chips is also very difficult. The shortage of chips is only temporary. To solve the problem of counterfeit chips from the root, it is fundamental to improve the chip manufacturing capacity. The good news is that at present, a number of domestic chip manufacturing enterprises have announced capital increase and production expansion. Although it will take some time before the new production capacity is put into use, the problem of counterfeit chips will also be solved as these new production capacities are put into use and the shortage of chips is alleviated.

In short, the tested chip can ensure the chip quality and even improve the delivery quality. Because it avoids the outflow of defective chips, it is a reliable trust relationship from the perspective of users. Therefore, as long as the test meets the quality requirements, it must produce value, which exists for a long time. Chuangxin online is a well-known professional testing organization for electronic components in China, with 3 standardized laboratories covering an area of more than 1000 square meters. The scope of testing services covers: testing and verification of electronic components, identification of IC authenticity, product design, material selection, failure analysis, function testing, factory incoming material inspection, X-ray testing of components, tape braiding and other testing items. I hope everyone can be vigilant and stay away from counterfeit chips!
