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The General Administration of market supervision and other five departments jointly issued the notice on organizing the supervision and random inspection of inspection and testing institutions in 2021

Date:2021-06-09 18:32:29Views:1162

In order to strengthen the supervision of inspection and testing institutions during and after the event and create a fair and orderly market environment, on May 31, the State Administration of market supervision, the Ministry of natural resources, the Ministry of ecological environment, the Ministry of water resources and the State Food and Drug Administration jointly issued the notice on organizing the supervision and random inspection of inspection and testing institutions in 2021 (hereinafter referred to as the notice), Deploy and carry out "double random and one open" supervision and random inspection of national inspection and testing institutions.

Since its establishment, the General Administration of market supervision has actively implemented the opinions of the State Council on comprehensively implementing the joint "double random and one open" supervision of departments in the field of market supervision, organized cross departmental joint supervision and random inspection in the field of inspection and testing for three consecutive years, promoted the joint punishment of dishonesty, and achieved good results. This year, the Ministry of water resources was added to the inter departmental joint supervision mechanism of inspection and testing institutions to strengthen the supervision of inspection and testing institutions in the field of water quality monitoring.;

According to the practical activity arrangement of "I do practical things for the masses" of the State Administration of market supervision, the supervision and random inspection work of this year is deployed to implement key special rectification actions in the field of ecological environment monitoring and motor vehicle inspection, carry out key supervision, improve the proportion of random inspection, and increase the punishment for relevant institutions with serious violations such as false detection and forged data, And promptly transfer it to judicial organs for criminal responsibility, and maintain the high-pressure supervision situation of inspection and detection of violations.

The circular makes arrangements for the annual supervision and random inspection of national qualification accreditation inspection and testing institutions and provincial qualification accreditation inspection and testing institutions respectively. The state-level supervision and random inspection plan organized and implemented by the State Administration of Market Supervision inspected 300 institutions (including 80 national quality inspection centers), focusing on motor vehicle inspection, ecological environment monitoring, land and Resources Inspection and testing, water conservancy and water quality monitoring, medical device protective articles inspection and testing, food inspection and other fields. According to the requirements of the notice, the provincial market supervision department will jointly formulate the annual "double random and one open" supervision and random inspection plan in the region in combination with the actual situation, highlight the supervision in key areas, strengthen the joint supervision, give full play to the joint force of comprehensive supervision, and strengthen the investigation and punishment according to law.

The notice requires that inspection and testing institutions should enhance the awareness of subject responsibility, carry out solid and standardized self-examination, deeply investigate potential risks, systematically conduct risk analysis, and take targeted measures to effectively prevent, avoid and reduce risks.
