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The introduction of the new regulations makes it clear that the inspection and testing institutions and their personnel should be responsible for the reports issued. It's clear this time!

Date:2021-05-20 13:49:18Views:1433

The survey report, also known as "cargo damage inspection report", is an objective written certificate issued by the inspection institution after inspecting the damaged goods at the request of the applicant. In international trade, independent surveyors with credit, authority and detachment are often entrusted to inspect the damage degree and identification of goods. The quality inspection before the product is sold and the statistics of the qualified number of the company's products are the written certificates for identifying that the product quality meets the standard. It is obtained through the quality inspection of products and equipment. It is the standard to ensure the product quality system.

Recently, the General Administration of market supervision held a special press conference on strengthening the supervision of inspection and testing institutions to introduce the two regulations just promulgated by the General Administration of market supervision: the measures for the supervision and administration of inspection and testing institutions and the measures for the administration of qualification recognition of inspection and testing institutions (Amendment).

According to the relevant person in charge of the State Administration of market supervision: by the end of 2020, there were nearly 49000 inspection and testing institutions in China, and nearly 567 million inspection and testing reports were issued that year. The market size accounts for about 20% of the global market share. It is the fastest growing and most potential inspection and testing market in the world. The new regulations are mainly aimed at the weak links existing in the current inspection and testing supervision.

新规出台明确了:检验检测机构及其人员应对出具的报告负责 这回清楚了!

Dong Lequn, director of the recognition and testing department of the State Administration of market supervision: it is clear that the inspection and testing institutions and their personnel shall be responsible for the inspection and testing reports issued by them. In addition to administrative legal liabilities, they shall also bear civil and criminal legal liabilities according to law.

The newly revised management measures for qualification accreditation of inspection and testing institutions reflects the requirements of simplifying administration and delegating powers and optimizing services, avoiding repeated approval and solving the problem of inconsistent scope of qualification accreditation. Clearly take "optimizing access procedures" as an important objective of this regulation revision.

Dong Lequn, director of the accreditation and testing department of the State Administration of market supervision: focusing on high-risk areas such as food inspection, motor vehicle inspection and ecological environment monitoring. We will continue to carry out industrial rectification actions and maintain a high-pressure supervision situation of prominent problems and risks. At the same time, take the reform and innovation of market access system as an important link to stimulate market vitality, and comprehensively implement the notification and commitment system.
