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Accurate detection, authoritative certification! Chuangxin Online Testing Obtained T Ü V ISO 9001:2015 Certificate

Date:2024-09-06 14:53:00 Views:66

Recently, Chuangxin Online Testing Laboratory successfully passed the audit of the international authoritative organization T Ü V S Ü D expert group,Obtained the T Ü V ISO 9001:2015 certificate, which is recognized by the German Accreditation Service DAkkS and bears the IAF logo. This is after obtaining qualifications from the Guangdong Provincial Administration for Market Regulation (CMA) and the China National Accreditation Service (CNAS)Another proof of component testing capabilityThis marks that Chuangxin Online Testing has reached the international first-class level in terms of technical strength and service quality,Maintain professional and reliable testing services on a global scale.

T Ü V S Ü D Group, as a globally renowned testing and certification organization, is renowned for its rigorous audit process, professional technical capabilities, and extensive international recognition. Its service scope covers multiple fields such as certification, testing, inspection, information, and expert guidance. In this review, the testing process, equipment accuracy, personnel qualifications, and management system of Chuangxin Online Testing Laboratory have been rigorously evaluated. After layers of screening, they have finally received high recognition from T Ü V S Ü D.

Chuangxin Online Testing Laboratory is a professional and authoritative third-party testing institution in the field of electronic components. Since its establishment, it has always been committed to improving its testing technology capabilities and service levels, continuously expanding its testing business scope. The laboratory has top-notch testing equipment in the industry, and the testing team is composed of hundreds of professional engineers and industry elites. It can provide customers with eight major service projects, including IC authenticity testing, DPA testing, failure analysis, development and functional verification, material analysis, reliability verification, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), and chemical analysis.

Behind this honor is a recognition of the professional strength and service quality of Chuangxin Online Inspection, as well as an encouragement for pursuing excellence and continuous innovation in future development. Chuangxin Online Testing will continue to deeply cultivate the industry field, continuously enhance its core competitiveness, and wholeheartedly provide customers with higher quality, efficient, and comprehensive testing services, contributing to the healthy development of the electronic components industry.
