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What is the impact of low temperature on electronic components? What are the reasons for low-temperature failure of electronic components?

Date:2024-07-11 15:00:00 Views:171

along withscience and technologyWith the continuous progress and expansion of application scope, people's requirements for the quality and reliability of electronic components are also increasing, because the low-temperature failure of electronic components can seriously affect themproductStability and lifespan. Today we will take a detailed look at the impact of low temperature on electronic components and the reasons for their failure.


1. The impact of low temperature on electronic components

Low temperature refers to the state where the temperature of an object is below 0 ℃. In this environment, the physical, chemical, and electrical properties of electronic components will undergo changes, mainly manifested in the following aspects.

1.1 Changes in Electrical Capability

Low temperature can significantly reduce the electrical capability of electronic components, especially forIntegrated circuitThediodeAndMOSFETVery obvious for the device. Because at low temperatures, electrons andLatticeThe increase in lattice interactions slows down the movement speed of electrons in the medium and increases the required activation energy, all of which can lead to a decrease in the conductivity of the device.

1.2 Deterioration of insulation capacity

In low-temperature environments, the insulation ability of electronic components deteriorates, mainly due to the decrease in the polarization rate of the medium and bipolar molecules, which is an important factor affecting the insulation strength. In addition, at low temperatures, the lattice vibration of the material decreases, resulting in a decrease in the dielectric constant of the oxide, which also affects the insulation capability of the device.

1.3 Decreased thermal stability

At low temperatures, the thermal stability of materials is significantly reduced, especially for materials with poor thermal stability, which are more prone to decomposition and failure in low-temperature environments. The speed of chemical reactions also slows down with decreasing temperature, causing some components to react slower at low temperatures, thereby affecting their normal operation.

1.4 MechanicsCharacteristic deterioration

At low temperatures, the strength and toughness of materials decrease, mainly due to changes in the lattice structure after cooling. The reduction in grain size and the decrease in grain boundary activity also affect the mechanical properties of the material. In addition, low temperature environments can also cause material shrinkage and vibration, leading to deformation, loosening, and even rupture of components.

2. Reasons for low-temperature failure of electronic components

The reasons for the failure of different electronic components at low temperatures are also different. Let's introduce them separately below.

2.1 Low temperature failure of integrated circuits

In low-temperature environments, the electrical performance of integrated circuits will significantly decrease, mainly due to the following issues.

2.1.1 Parasitic effects

Parasitic effects refer to some of the components in electronic devicesresistanceThecapacitanceThe details of inserting components such as inductors will affect each other, thereby affecting the performance of the entire circuit. And low temperature will enhance the parasitic effects of these inserted component details, resulting in a significant decrease in the performance of the circuit.

2.1.2 Temperature rise caused by charge carriers and dissipation

Due to low temperaturedownloadThe movement speed of carriers slows down, causing some devices in integrated circuits to be affected by carrier movement, resulting in more heat generation in the circuit. Therefore, the power density of integrated circuits will also increase, which may lead to faults.

2.1.3 transistorNonlinear

At low temperatures, the nonlinear characteristics of both N-type and P-type transistors will be enhanced, which will cause the base toelectric currentThe change in current amplification factor ultimately affects the working state of the entire circuit.

2.1.4 Differences in coefficient of expansion of metal wires

The wires and electrodes in integrated circuits are composed of different materials. Due to the difference in thermal expansion coefficient at low temperatures, they may cause differences in expansion coefficient, resulting in some grooves and cracking phenomena, leading to circuit failure.

2.2 Low temperature failure of diodes

Diodes are prone to reverse leakage current at low temperatures, leading to unstable current and voltage, which in turn affects the normal operation of the circuit. The main reasons for the low-temperature failure of diodes are as follows.

2.2.1 Leakage current

In low-temperature environments, diodes generate additional leakage current, resulting in unstable current and voltage throughout the circuit.

2.2.2 Nonlinear Transistors

At low temperatures, the nonlinearity of diode transistors increases, leading to an increase in leakage current and a decrease in forward circuit current, resulting in the failure of the entire circuit.

2.2.3 Parasitic effects

In low-temperature environments, parasitic effects in circuits are more pronounced than at normal temperatures, leading to an increase in parasitic capacitance and resistance of the entire circuit, which in turn affects its normal operation.

2.3 MOSFET Low Temperature Failure

MOSFET (Metal Oxide)semiconductorField effect transistors may experience functional failure andparameterThe main reasons for MOSFET low-temperature failure due to unstable issues are as follows.

2.3.1 Leakage current

In low-temperature environments, the leakage current of MOSFETs will increase, leading to unstable current and voltage, resulting in the failure of the entire circuit.

2.3.2 Parasitic effects

The parasitic capacitance and resistance in MOSFETs will increase at low temperatures, which will affect the parameters of MOSFETs, especiallythreshold voltage Leakage current and conduction resistance.

2.4 Electrolytic capacitorLow temperature failure

In low-temperature environments, electrolytic capacitors may experience poor conductivity, decreased capacitance, and severe leakage. The main reasons for their failure are as follows.

2.4.1 Electrolyte drying

At low temperatures, the viscosity of the electrolyte increases, causing it to not flow properly, resulting incapacitorinvalid.

2.4.2 Parasitic voltage and current

In low temperature environments, the parasitic voltage and current of capacitors will increase, thereby affecting the withstand voltage and capacitance value of capacitors.

2.4.3 Lag characteristics

The hysteresis characteristics of electrolytic capacitors at low temperatures will be more significant, leading to instability of capacitance values and capacitor failure.

3. Summary

The impact and failure reasons of electronic components in low-temperature environments are very complex, involving multiple aspects such as electrical performance, insulation ability, thermal stability, and mechanical characteristics. Therefore, in the development and production process of electronic components, it is necessary to fully consider their performance and failure characteristics in low-temperature environments to improve the quality and reliability of electronic components.
