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Application of X-ray Testing in Welding Quality Control

Date:2024-04-01 14:17:23Views:28

X-ray testing is commonly used to detect welding quality, including the quality of BGA (Ball Grid Array) welding. X-ray inspection can detect some welding defects, such as virtual welding, cold welding of solder joints, and misalignment of solder joints. Virtual welding refers to the situation where there is a gap or incomplete welding between the solder joint and the solder pad. X-ray testing can help detect such problems. Specifically, X-ray testing involves penetrating the welded joint with X-rays and capturing the X-ray image on the detector. If there are virtual welds or gaps, X-ray images usually show obvious defects, which can help quality inspectors determine whether the welding is qualified.

The Difficulty of X-ray Detection of Cracked Virtual Welding in BGA

The effectiveness of X-ray testing depends on various factors, including equipment accuracy, operator experience, and specific welding conditions. Some virtual welding problems may not be easily detected by X-ray inspection, especially if the virtual welding is small or shallow in depth. Therefore, before conducting X-ray testing, it is usually necessary to perform appropriate calibration and settings to ensure that welding quality issues can be effectively detected.


The accuracy of X-ray detection of crack type virtual soldering in BGA has the following effects:

Defect resolution: The resolution of X-ray images is usually limited by equipment performance. Small or minor defects may not be easily detected, especially when welding joints are very complex or have multiple layers of structure.

Artifacts and noise: X-ray images may be affected by artifacts and noise, which can lead to false positives or missed defects. Artifacts may be caused by the geometric shape of the welded joint, material differences, or equipment issues.

Inspection angle: To comprehensively inspect welded joints, multiple different inspection angles may be required. Choosing the appropriate perspective may require some experience and may not cover every possible defect.

Complex structure: When welding joints have complex geometric structures or multi-layer structures, detection becomes more complex. X-rays may not penetrate all layers, and defects may be hidden inside

Manual interpretation: X-ray images require interpretation and analysis by operators, which may require training and experience. Different operators may have different interpretations of the same image, leading to subjectivity.

Radiation exposure: X-ray radiation poses certain risks to operators and the environment. Therefore, appropriate radiation protection measures must be taken and operators must be ensured to receive necessary training.

Even if there are difficulties, X-ray testing has its special advantages. The following are the main reasons for using X-ray to detect BGA crack type virtual welding:

Non destructive testing: X-ray testing is a non-destructive testing method that does not damage the components being tested. This means that testing can be carried out without affecting product integrity, thereby reducing production costs and scrap rates.

High resolution: X-ray technology can provide high-resolution images that can clearly display tiny details of welded joints, including cracks and virtual welds. This helps to improve the accuracy of the detection.

Capable of penetrating materials: X-rays can penetrate materials such as metals and plastics, thus detecting issues located below welded joints, such as virtual welding and cracks.

A crack type virtual welding solution for X-ray detection of BGA

To address this, the following measures can be taken:

Choose appropriate X-ray equipment: Ensure the use of high-quality, high-resolution X-ray equipment so that the details of the welded joint can be clearly seen. The performance of the equipment is crucial to the detection results.

X-ray testing and infrared testing: Using professional X-ray testing and infrared thermal imaging equipment, it is possible to non-invasive detect the connection of solder pads, helping to determine whether there are problems such as poor welding, lack of welding, and cold welding.

Calibration and adjustment of equipment: Before starting the inspection, calibrate and adjust the equipment to ensure the correct direction and intensity of the X-ray beam. This can help ensure accurate detection results.

Select appropriate X-ray parameters: Adjust the energy and exposure time of the X-ray according to the characteristics of the tested material to obtain the best image quality. Different materials and solder joints may require different parameters.

Prepare samples: Ensure proper preparation of samples for BGA welded joints. Clean and eliminate potential interfering factors, such as residual solder paste or dirt

Record and analyze data: Record X-ray images and establish a database for long-term tracking. This helps to monitor trends in welding quality and identify issues.

The above is the relevant content on "Application of X-ray Testing in Welding Quality Control" compiled by the editor of Chuangxin Testing, hoping to be helpful to you. Chuangxin Testing is a professional testing institution for electronic components, currently mainly providing integrated circuit testing services such as capacitors, resistors, connectors, MCU, CPLD, FPGA, DSP, etc. Specializing in functional testing of electronic components, appearance testing of incoming electronic components, anatomical testing of electronic components, acetone testing, X-ray scanning testing of electronic components, and ROHS component analysis testing. Welcome to call, we will be happy to serve you!
