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What are the mechanical impacts of electronic devices?

Date:2023-09-12 15:22:03Views:258

The mechanical impact of electronic devices refers to the sudden impact force received during the transportation, storage, and use of electronic devices. This impact force may cause damage or failure of electronic devices, thereby affecting the performance and reliability of electronic devices. To help everyone gain a deeper understanding, the following content is organized by Chuangxin Testing Network and provided for your reference.

1. Sources of mechanical impact

The mechanical impact of electronic devices mainly comes from the following aspects:

(1) Vibration and impact during transportation: During the transportation of electronic devices, they may be subjected to vibration and impact due to uneven roads, traffic congestion, and other reasons.

(2) Vibration and shock during storage: Electronic devices may be subjected to vibration and shock during storage, such as being squeezed and collided with other items when stacked in a warehouse.

(3) Impact during use: During the use of electronic devices, unexpected collisions or drops may occur.

2. The impact of mechanical impact

Mechanical impact may cause damage or failure of electronic devices, thereby affecting the performance and reliability of electronic devices. For example, mechanical impact may cause problems such as solder joint breakage, component loosening or detachment, circuit board cracking or deformation of electronic devices, leading to electronic device failure or performance degradation.


3. Mechanical impact test

In order to evaluate the impact resistance and durability of electronic devices, mechanical impact testing can be conducted. Mechanical impact testing is a testing method that simulates the impact forces experienced by electronic devices in environments such as transportation, storage, and use. In mechanical impact testing, electronic devices can be tested for damage, deformation, fracture, and other conditions to evaluate their impact resistance and durability.

The methods of mechanical impact testing include unidirectional impact testing and multi-directional impact testing. Unidirectional impact testing refers to applying an impact force in one direction, such as vertical or horizontal impact. Multi directional impact testing refers to the application of impact forces in multiple directions, such as a combination of vertical and horizontal impacts.

When conducting mechanical impact testing, it is necessary to choose appropriate testing equipment and methods to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the test results. At the same time, it is also necessary to choose appropriate testing standards and conditions based on different testing needs to ensure that the test results comply with relevant standards and requirements.

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