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Briefly describe the principle and process technology of wire bonding

Date:2023-09-12 15:21:53Views:386

Wire bonding is commonly used for packaging micro electronic components such as IC chips, LEDs, MEMS, etc. It is a method of soldering metal wires (usually gold wires) between chips and pins to transmit signals and electricity. This article mainly introduces the principle and process technology of wire bonding.


The principle of wire bonding is to use high temperature and pressure to weld the wire and chip wire together. During the welding process, the leads and chip leads are first heated to a high-temperature state, and then pressed together by applying a certain amount of pressure. Under the action of heating and pressure, the surface of the leads and chip leads are melted and formed into solder joints. The quality and reliability of solder joints directly affect the performance and reliability of microelectronic devices.


Process technology:

The process technology of wire bonding includes the following steps:

1. Preparation work: including preparing leads and chip leads, preparing welding equipment and tools, etc.

2. Cleaning: Clean the leads and chip leads to remove surface dirt and oxide layers to ensure the quality of the solder joints.

3. Heating: Heat the leads and chip leads to a high-temperature state through a heating head to melt their surface.

4. Pressing: Apply a certain amount of pressure to press the leads and chip leads together, forming solder joints.

5. Cooling: Wait for the solder joint to cool to room temperature to solidify and ensure the quality and reliability of the solder joint.

During the process of wire bonding, it is necessary to pay attention to controlling parameters such as heating temperature, applied pressure, and cooling speed to ensure the quality and reliability of the solder joint. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the matching degree and material selection of the leads and chip leads to ensure the reliability and durability of the solder joints.

The above is the wire bonding principle and process technology related content organized by the Chuangxin Testing editor, hoping to be helpful to you. Our company has a team of professional engineers and industry elites, with three standardized laboratories covering an area of over 1800 square meters. We can undertake various testing projects such as electronic component testing and verification, IC authenticity identification, product design and material selection, failure analysis, functional testing, factory incoming material inspection, and tape weaving.
